About the Illustrator

Barbara Zohlman

Barbara Resnick Zohlman is a native Miamian. She graduated from the University of Miami, with a degree in art education, and was listed in Who Who’s in America Universities. Barbara spent the first fifteen years of her career teaching art to children of all ages and abilities.

Giving back to her community is paramount in her life’s ambitions. With that in mind, she co-founded the Miami Children’s Museum, the first children’s museum in the State of Florida, and served as the museum’s executive director for fifteen years.

Barbara turned to fighting drug and alcohol abuse among youth in her role as Executive Director of Drug Free Youth in Town (DFYIT), a nationally
recognized community based, substance abuse prevention program for middle and high school students. As an artist, illustrator, speaker and writer her love of children and creative thinking has guided her life goals.

"It is our differences that make us unique and special. Learning struggles should not define who a person is. It is not the height of the hurdles you face, but rather how you get over them and how you land that matters."